400 - Bad Request - Ungültige Anforderung
401 - Authorization Required - Authentifizierung benötigt
403 - Forbidden - Zugriff verboten
404 - File Not Found - Dokument nicht gefunden
500 - Internal Server Error - Interner Server Fehler
For the most common "404 - File Not Found", the following screen will be displayed:
File Not Found
The object requested could not be found on the server.
Please check your request for typing errors and retry.
If the standard messages do not fit your needs, you can create your own error messages.
Simply create a subdirectory named /errors in your
domain root directory.
This directory is the location for your new error messages.
Error documents have no extension.
E.g. your own 404 error document would have the complete path /errors/404.
( /usr/home/domainname.com/errors/404 in the MicroRack context.)