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Serving the Multimedia Community since 1989.
Frequently Asked Questions
Miscelanious Topics

1. How can I point a new domain to the content of an existing domain or account?
For additional domains that should have the same content as a domain already installed, the administrator of the HERA VS or MicroRack server can use the ServerAlias line on the SiteManager option screen of this domain. E.g. to point the domain mydomain.net to the content of mydomain.com you simply enter
Additional names should be seperated by spaces. E.g.
*mydomain.net *mydomain.org
The wildcard character * is used to point all subdomains to the existing site.

2. How can I view the content of a site before the DNS change has been propagated?
To view the content of a site before the DNS change has been propagated, you can assign a subdomain of one of the other domains already pointing to the server to the new site. If the domain mydomain.com is already pointed to your server, you can use a subdomain like test.mydomain.com on the Site Manager ServerAlias line of the new domain.
To FTP to the new site, you can use the IP or a domain that is already pointed to your server and log in with the username assigned to the new site.

3. How do I setup a subdomain on my MicroRack server?
If you are using the Gold Vision DNS servers for your domain, all subdomains ( *.domain.com ) are pointed to your IP address. On the MicroRack Advanced and Professional systems you have to add the subdomain to the domain record with the DNS Manager first.
On the server side, third-level subdomains (e.g. xxx.xxxx.com, domain.co.uk or sub.domain.com ) are handled the same way as second level subdomains (e.g. domain.com), so just use the Site Manager to setup an individual site for the subdomain.
If you just need a separate index page for your subdomain, simply use the "Multidomain feature":

4. How can I forward a website to another server?
Create an index page for this website with this one line:
<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL=http://www.remotedomain.com">
and all requests will be forwarded instantly to "www.remotedomain.com".

5. Can I get/add additional IP addresses?
The HERA VS and MicroRack systems are designed solely for domain based hosting.
IP address numbers are limited, and in accordance with Internet standards and ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers) and RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens) requests, we do not issue additional IP addresses for web hosting.
Additional IP addresses are only available if you need to install additional, official SSL certificates on your server. Please contact our sales team for pricing and setup.

6. How do I create password protected web folders?
The easiest way to do this is to use the web control panel File Manager. Browse to the directory that you want to protect, so that the content of this folder is displayed in the right File Manager frame. Then click on the lock icon on the File Manager icon bar. A pop up window will come up, giving you the tools to create and assign users for this directory.

7. How do I change the user passwords?
Passwords can be changed with the User Manager.

8. How do I change the ftp timeout time on my MicroRack server?
The default ftp timeout value is 5 minutes (300 seconds). You can set different timeout values in the /etc/proftpd.conf configuration file. Adding the lines

TimeoutIdle                     900
TimeoutNoTransfer               900
will set the timeout to 15 minutes.

9. How do I enable root-FTP-access on my MicroRack server?
To allow root-FTP-access the line
RootLogin on
must be added at the top of the /etc/proftpd.conf file. In addition the name "root" must be commented out or removed in /etc/ftpusers.

10. How do I enable root-SSH-access on my MicroRack server?
To allow root-SSH-access the line
PermitRootLogin no
must be changed to
PermitRootLogin yes
in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

11. How do I change the mySQL root password on my MicroRack server?
The mysql password can be changed with phpMyAdmin. In addition you have to enter your new mysql root password in the /etc/my.cnf file.

12. How can I enable remote access to the mySQL server?
Your MySQL server is already listening on the default port 3306 for remote connections. To allow remote access for an user, you have to duplicate this user's record in the mysql/user table and replace the word "localhost" with the percentage sign "%" in the new record. You can do the with your main phpMyAdmin interface. After the change you have to restart (stop and start) the MySQL server from the main control panel (Not just with phpMyAdmin).

13. What is favicon.ico and why does it show up in my logs?
In Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.0 and above for PC (not Mac), web-site visitors who visit a site can sometimes see a small icon in their bookmark list (and other places) alongside the site name.
This icon is called a favourites icon or favicon for short. Website developers can design this icon and put it in the top level of their site folder.

14. My server logs show many hits trying to run cmd.exe and other programs.
Don't worry about these entries. They are caused by computers infected with the Nimda Virus trying to infect other Windows computers. Your server is running FreeBSD UNIX, which can not be harmed by the Nimda Virus.

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